Thriving in the Barren Place

How Trust in God Fueled My Journey Through Heartache and Loss

Early 2025

My faith was strong, unshaken, yet untested—until the overwhelming reality of Matthew’s debilitating special needs, seizure disorder, and countless medical challenges brought it to life. The weight of caring for him launched me on a journey that would transform me forever.

Jesus led me through a path marked by struggle, pain, and heartbreaking loss as we surrendered Matthew back to Him. The road was steep, rocky, and treacherous, but He never left my side. Even as I was crushed and my heart shattered, He refined me in the fire of adversity, forging a resilient, unshakable faith. I emerged from the ashes, scarred but stronger, and I have never regretted the journey.

For it is in our desperation that the Lord of all creation stoops to walk beside us. It is in our pain that the Suffering Servant bears the burdens we cannot carry. And it is in our loneliness that we discover a Friend like no other. Without the pain, I would never have known Jesus as intimately as I do now. Through it all, He became my strength, my peace, my comfort, and the healer of my broken heart.

This is my story of faith in action—a story of loss, love, and redemption through the unwavering grace of Christ.