Tough Questions
Tough Questions Devotional
Sorting Out Your Suffering
Read: Genesis 3; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 4:12-14; Psalm 65:2-4
If I wrecked my husband’s truck, getting a speeding ticket
and DUI in the process, I would be in a state of suffering, no doubt!
If I got cancer while simply going about my life, I would be suffering
too. However, the first scenario would be self-inflicted by a series of
bad choices while the second would simply be a terrible situation that happened because of our fallen world. When we look at the suffering in our lives, it is often a useful exercise to sort out our suffering to help determine what elements may be self-inflicted or what may simply
be part of living in a fallen world. For example, we may find ourselves in financial hardship due to overspending. We may repeat destructive relationship cycles because we refuse to listen to wise counsel. We may be caught in the vortex of addiction because we will not get help. On the other hand, we may lose our job due to economic downturns, experience abandonment in our marriage or suffer debilitating illnesses through no fault of our own. It makes no sense and we find ourselves riding the maddening merry-go-round of the unending “Why?”
If we believe God’s purpose for His saints is perpetual happiness and ease, we will find ourselves perpetually confused and disappointed. He tells us in this Word that conflict and hardship will be a regular part of our lives. Though He does not promise a trouble-free journey, He does promise His constant presence to comfort and guide.
As you look at the struggles of your life, are any of them self-inflicted? What elements of your trials are due to life in a fallen world? Have you found yourself confused and disappointed in the face of hardship? Are you riding the merry-go-round of “Why?” Our Lord welcomes your confusion, disappointment, and questions. Come to Him in honest, transparent prayer.