When Love Comes to Town Part 3
The Sword in the Soul
Read: John 19:17-37; Luke 2:21-40
When Heaven called, Mary answered, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord!”. Yahweh called, so she followed. The full journey was veiled, yet in trusting obedience, she bowed to the divine plan. She knew Who her child was-- her tiny lamb, the Great I Am. Divinity condensed in an infant, who now was the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
How could she have known the journey lead to a cross or how deeply the sword would pierce her soul? Nevertheless, she followed faithfully, staying ever close to Him, even in His death. For she knew Who beckoned her onward; Who gave her a front row seat in the divine drama of the redemption of mankind.
That is where faithful obedience takes us-- on an uncharted journey, to the crest of the wave, and perhaps, to the sword plunging into our souls. However, there we are close to Him, close enough to smell His sweat and hear Him call out, as the divine blood splattering at our feet washes away the sins of the whole world.
Something to Ponder
He calls out still for faithful obedience and bids us follow. If you follow, you will find yourself at home amidst His holy thunder and you too will have a part in the divine drama of the redemption of mankind. When we know Who calls, we too will follow.